Grodzisko in Sopot - early medieval settlement within the town of Sopot, surrounded by ramparts and a moat, covered with beech forest. It functions as an archaeological museum which is a branch of the Archaeological Museum in Gdansk. Settlement in Sopot called "Castle Hill" or "frying pan" is the oldest of the monuments of the city. On the basis of archaeological discoveries, were reconstructed the buildings of the castle - huts, gates, palisade, which existed here for over a thousand years ago. It is the only facility of this type in Poland, located in the city center. In the Open Air Museum are organized historical outdoor events, living history lessons for children and youth. You can see demonstrations of archery and sword fighting and learn what crafts practiced. At the foot of the castlle is a museum - didactic pavilion, which operates throughout the year and have a permanent exhibition of archaeological sites, audio-visual presentations, as well as practical classes of medieval crafts.